• Anglický jazyk

        • 1. HODINA

          MY FAMILY

          My name is .................. I was born on the (1st, 2nd,...) ....... of ......... (January, February...) 2004 in Poprad. I am 16 years old. I live in a house/a flat in ................... with my parents and my siblings. I have a brother and a sister. I attend Secondary vocational school in Poprad. I am the first year student.
          When I finish school, I would like to work as ....................................... (an electrician / a plumber / a businessman...).
          My hobbies are .................................. (listening to music, watching TV, reading books, playing football, playing computer games...)
          My family has 5 members. It is my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. We live in a house in …………. I also have a grandmother and a grandfather who live with us. We also have a dog – his name is ……….. He is also the member of our family.
          My mother:
          My mother’s name is ……… She is ……… years old. She is tall and slim. She has blue eyes and short curly hair. Her hair is dark. She is very nice and talkactive. She likes other people and she is always willing to help everybody. Her hobbies are swimming and knitting. She also likes reading books and chatting with our neighbours. She is sometimes moody but everybody likes her. I love my mother because she can cook tasty meals and she always looks after us well.
          My father:
          My father’s name is ........................... He is ............. years old. He is tall and overweight. He weighs 120 kilos. He has brown eyes and short brown hair. He is very strict and he shouts a lot. He is not very tolerant. Sometimes I am afraid of my father. His hobbies are watching TV and driving. He doesn’t like reading books and doing exercise.
          My sister:
          My sister is older than me. Her name is ………………. She is ……….. years old and she is single. She works as a (an) ………………. She is not very tall and she is slim. She doesn’t eat a lot and she is always on diet. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. Her hair is blond because she dyes it blond. She is very shy, quiet and everybody likes her. She has a boyfriend. His name is …………………..  She is tolerant, but she doesn’t like mess. In her free time she likes reading books and going out for a walk with her dog. She also likes going to the cinema with her friends. I like my sister because she always helps me with everything.

          SLOVNÁ  ZÁSOBA K TÉME JE NA STRÁNKE:    https://www.leitus.sk/slovna-zasoba-rodina-family/

          MY HOUSE

          My family lives in a large family house with a big garden. The house itself has two floors, a cellar, an attic and a garage. In the cellar there is a furnace room /kotolňa/ for heating the house and rooms for storing stewed fruit and vegetables for winter. In the attic there is a big mess. In the garden we grow flowers and fresh vegetables and tehre are many fruit trees. Right behind the house there is a kennel.
          On the ground floor there is a hall and a large kitchen, stairs to the first floor and a living room. In the kitchen, which is on the left, you can see some blue cupboards, a cooker, a sink , a large round brown table with blue chairs and a yellow lamp above it. Opposite the kitchen there is a large living room with a sofa, two armchairs, a little table on left hand side. Next to them opposite the windows there is a lrge bookcase with hundreds of books. Under the window there is a piano and next to it there is ashelf with a TV set, a stereo and our cassette and record collections. The room is decorated with four pictures, curtains on the windows, one large chandellier and many little lamps, vases with flowers and flowerpots with various plants, a few pottery pieces and a brown carpet on the floor.
          Upstairs on the right there is a parents´bedroom with one large bed and many wardrobes, two little tables with lamps, an armchair and a small bookcase. Opposite there are two children bedrooms. Next to the stairs there is a toilet and a bathroom with a large bathtub and a washbasin. On the walls there you can see lovely light-blue tiles with little flowers.
          I have my own room. I used to share it with my brother but now when he left home I have it for myself.

          SLOVNÁ ZÁSOBA K TÉME je na stránke  https://www.leitus.sk/slovna-zasoba-dom-a-byvanie-housing-and-living/


          2. hodina   

          Prítomný čas jednoduchý  a priebehový

          Present simple – prítomný čas jednoduchý

          Kedy ho používame?

          1. Keď hovoríme o veciach vo všeobecnosti.


          Doctors help sick people.      

          Doktori pomáhajú chorým ľuďom.

          Dogs like meat.          


          Psy majú radi mäso.


               2. Keď hovoríme o činnosti, ktoré sa vyskytujú stále alebo opakovane.


          I wake up at 7 am every morning.    

          Každé ráno vstávam o 7.       

          She exercises on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

          Cvičí v pondelok, stredu a piatok.


          3.  Používame ho aj na opis vecí, ktoré sú zvyčajne pravdivé.


          I like ice cream.                     

          Mám rada zmrzlinu.

          She loves her family.             


          Miluje svoju rodinu.


          Tvorenie prítomného času jednoduchého: to think

          Kladné Opytovacie Záporné
          I think Do I think? I do not think
          You think Do you think? You do not think
          He thinks Does he think? He does not think
          She thinks Does she think? She does not think
          It thinks Does it think? It does not think
          We think Do we think? We do not think.
          They think Do they think? They do not think.


          V tretej osobe jednotného čísla sloveso vždy končí na -s:
          he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.

          Záporné a opytovacie vety používajú DOES (= v tretej osobe je to pomocné sloveso 'DO') + plus sloveso v neurčitku.
          He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.

          Slovesá končiace -y : v tretej osobe sa -y mení na -ies:
          fly --> flies, cry --> cries
          Výnimka: ak je pred -samohláska:
          play --> plays, pray --> prays

          Pridajte -es ku slovesám končiacim na: -ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
          he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes


          Present simple – prítomný čas priebehový (zdroj: ef-slovakia)

          Prítomný priebehový čas akéhokoľvek slovesa sa skladá z dvoch častí - prítomný čas slovesa "to be" + prítomné príčastie hlavného slovesa.

          (Tvar prítomného príčastia: základ slova+ing, napr. talking, playing, moving, smiling)

          Podmet + to be + základ slova + ing
          She is talking.
          Podmet + to be + not základ slova + ing
          She is not (isn't) talking
          to be + podmet základ slova + ing
          Is she talking?


          Príklady: TO GO, prítomný čas priebehový

          Kladné Záporné Opytovacie
          I am going I am not going Am I going?
          You are going You aren't going. Are you going?
          He, she, it is going He, she, it isn't going Is he, she, it going?
          We are going We aren't going Are we going?
          You are going You aren't going Are you going?
          They are going They aren't going Are they going?
          Prítomný čas priebehový sa používa:
          • pri opise činnosti, ktorá sa deje v tejto chvíli: You are using the Internet. You are studying English grammar.
          • pri opise činnosti, ktorá sa deje v tomto časovom období, alebo ktorá je trendom: Are you still working for the same company? More and more people are becoming vegetarian.


          cvičenia:   https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/present-simple-present-continuous-1.html


          3. HODINA 

          BUDÚCE  ČASY


          Sloveso will je modálne sloveso, ktoré používame na vyjadrenie budúcnosti.


          mgr matiaskova

          Sarah goes to work every day. She is always there from 8:30 until 4:30.

          It´s 11 o´clock now. Sarah is at work. (prítomnosť)

          At 11 o´clock yesterday, she was at work. (minulosť)

          At 11 o´clock tomorrow she will be at work. (budúcnosť)

          Takže will/shall + neurčitok používame na vyjadrenie budúcnosti. Časové výrazy používané v budúcnosti: tomorrow, next week, ...

          Skrátený tvar slovesa WILL:

          You can phone me this evening. I´ll be at home.

          Will často používame s I think keď predpovedáme budúcnosť na základe toho čo si myslíme:

          I think Diana will pass the exam. (Myslím si, že Diana urobí skúšku.)

          Will nepoužívame pre veci, ktoré sú dopredu naplánované alebo dohodnuté.

          Ďalej will a shall používame vtedy, keď sa ponúkame alebo rozhodneme, že niečo urobíme:

          mgr matiaskova

          My bag is very heavy. - I´ll carry it for you.

          mgr matiaskova


          GOING TO

          Používame vtedy, keď máme zámer niečo urobiť, alebo sme sa rozhodli niečo urobiť pred nejakým časom a nie spontánne.

          mgr matiaskova

          I´m going to watch TV this evening. – Dnes večer budem pozerať televízor. (mám zámer pozerať televízor)

          Vo vetách meníme len sloveso BE, GOING TO sa nemení, čiže:

          HE IS going to watch TV.  WE ARE going to watch TV.

          Zápor tvoríme pomocou NOT  (He is not going to watch TV) a otázku zmenou slovosledu (Is he going to watch TV?)

          (Zdroj: https://oskole.detiamy.sk/clanok/buduce-casy)


          4. HODINA 

           Human body - ľudské telo


          časť tela


























          tooth (teeth)

          zub (zuby)














          ruka (celá)




          palec (na ruke)


          prst (na ruke)





          foot (feet)

          chodidlo (chodidlá)




          prst (na nohe)


          Situačný dialóg u lekára (GP je skratka pre "general practitioner", čiže praktického lekára)

          Patient: Good morning. I don´t feel very well.

          GP: Good morning. What´s the matter?

          P: I´ve got a cold, a sore throat and my body hurts.

          GP: Do you have high temperature?

          P: Yes, I do.

          GP: It´s flu. I give you prescription. Take these pills three times a day, lie in bed for 5 

          days and drink plenty of liquids. Come and see me in 5 days.

          P: Thank you. Goodbye.

          GP: Goodbye.


          patient - pacient

          prescription - recept

          take pills three times a day - užívajte lieky trikrát denne

          drink plenty of liquids - pite veľa tekutín

          come and see me in 5 days - navštívte ma o 5 dní


          At the chemist´s - v lekárni



          slovná zásoba





          antiseptic cream

          antiseptický (dezinfekčný) krém





          cotton wool




          tabletky, lieky


          box of tissues

          škatuľa vreckoviek


          cough medicine

          sirup od kašľa


          Situačný dialóg v lekárni:

          Chemist: Can I help you?

          Customer: Yes, I cut my finger yesterday and it really hurts.

          Ch: You need some antiseptic cream for it.

          C: Can I have some plasters and some cotton wool, please?

          Ch: Yes, that´s 5,40 €, please.


          a chemist - lekárnik

          a customer - zákazník

          you need some antiseptic cream for it - potrebujete na to nejaký dezinfekčný krém

          can I have ... - môžem dostať...

           (zdroj: https://oskole.detiamy.sk/clanok/casti-tela-u-lekara)


          HEALTHY LIFESTYLE (zdavý životný štýl)

          If a man wants to be healthy, he needs to:

          - do some exercise  (cvičiť)

          - sleep a lot (veľa spať)

          - eat healthy food, fruit and vegetables (jesť zdravé jedlo, ovocie a zeleninu)

          - avoid stress (vyhýbať sa stresu)

          - not drink alcohol, much coffee, not smoke (nepiť alkohol, kávu, nefajčiť)


          5.-6. HODINA 

          Past simple – jednoduchý minulý čas

          Jednoduchý minulý čas vyjadruje dej, ktorý skončil v minulosti. Vo vete ho môžeme rozoznať pomocou časových výrazov, ktoré nám referujú minulosť.

          Sloveso byť  (TO BE)

          jednotné číslo

          množné číslo

          I was

          we were

          you were

          you were

          he/she/it was

          they were




          was I

          were we

          were you

          were you

          was he/she/it

          were they




          I wasn´t

          we weren´t

          you weren´t

          you weren´t

          he/she/it wasn´t

          they weren´t



          Minulý čas tvoríme pridaním prípony –ed k slovesu

          listen – listened

          start – started

          watch - watched

          Pozor na výnimky!

          1. k slovesám, ktoré končia na samohlásku epridávame už len príponu –d

          live – lived

          decide – decided

          1. v slovesách, ktoré končia na y a pred ním je spoluhláska sa y mení na i 

          study – studied

          cry – cried

          Pokiaľ je predysamohláska, tak sa nemení

          play – played

          1. v slovesách, ktoré sú jednoslabičné a posledné tri hlásky sú nasledovné: spoluhláska, samohláska, spoluhláska sa posledná spoluhláska zdvojuje

          stop – stopped

          Výnimkou je dvojslabičné sloveso travel. Tu sa takisto zdvojuje posledná spoluhláska.

          travel – travelled


          NEPRAVIDELNÉ  SLOVESÁ  – vzniká nové iné alebo niekedy aj to isté slovo. Keďže sú nepravidelné neexistuje žiadne pravidlo na ich tvorbu. Zoznam nepravidelných slovies, ktoré sa musíte naučiť:

          Časové výrazy používané s minulým jednoduchým časom:

          yesterday - včera

          I listened to music yesterday. (Včera som počúval hudbu.)

          went to school yesterday morning. (Včera ráno som šiel do školy.)

          She played tennis yesterday afternoon. (Včera poobede hrala tenis.)

          He watched TV yesterday evening. (Včera večer pozeral televízor.)

          last week, last year, two days ago



          Priebehový minulý čas používame k vyjadreniu, že niekto bol uprostred deja alebo situácie (niečo robil) v určitom čase v minulosti.

          Priebehový minulý čas tvoríme pomocou was/were a slovesa s koncovkou -ing.

          I was walking home at 6 o'clock last Saturday.

          Záporné tvary: (!Pozor na osobu!)

          I wasn't walking home at 6 o'clock last Saturday. They weren't walking home at 6 o'clock last Saturday.


          Was he eating breakfast at eight o'clock?

          Krátke odpovede:

          Yes, he/she/it/I was. No, he/she/it/I wasn't. Yes, we/you/they were. No, they/we/you weren't.

          POZOR! Minulý čas jednodchý a priebehový...

          ...často používame spolu. K tomuto dochádza nejmä vtedy, ak je dlhší dej (priebehový minulý čas) prerušený iným kratším dejom (jednoduchý minulý čas).

          While Mrs Jones was shopping, she met her friend.

          The telephone rang while Tom was having a shower


          7. HODINA



          People go shopping almost every day. They buy common things like milk, butter and bread or some clothes. People can go to a small local shop or to a supermarket. Working time differs there – local shops usually open at 7-8 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are open non-stop, 24 hours a day.  

           LOCAL SHOP

          -      It is usually situated in the centre or near your house

          -      There is a family atmosphere and shop assistants are very friendly

          -      The quality of goods is higher

          -      The goods are more expensive than those in the supermarket

          -      It is small so there are not many goods



          + there is wide choice of goods

            the prices are low and there are many discounts

            they offer club cards with many advantages

          - there are many people

          - it is far from your house

          -  the goods are of poor quality



          + They sell fresh home-made fruit and vegetables of good quality

          -      It is expensive



          +  they sell brand clothes for low prices

          -  clothes are old, of a poor quality, damaged /demidžd/

          We know these kinds of shops:

          - the baker’s – pekáreň
          - the bucher’s - mäsiarstvo
          - the greengrocer’s – ovocie a zelenina
          - the chemist’s - drogéria
          - the florist’s - kvetinárstvo
          - the jeweller’s - klenotníctvo
          - the ironmonger’s - železiarstvo
          - the newsagent’s – novinový stánok
          - a boutique – butik
          - a clothes shop – obchod s oblečením
          - a toy shop – obchod s hračkami
          - a bookshop – kníhkupectvo
          - a shoe shop – obuv
          - a groceries – potraviny
          - a pharmacy – lekáreň
          - a pet shop – obchod s domácimi zvieratami
          - a furniture shop – obchod s nábytkom
          - household goods – domáce potreby
          - stationery - papiernictvo

          At the grocer's people can buy foodstuff including flour, sugar, salt, eggs, oil, fruit, tea, coffee, sweets, milk, butter, cream, cheese and yogurt…. At the baker's various kinds of fresh bread, rolls, buns and cakes can be bought.  The butcher sells fish, meat (pork, beef, lamb or poultry), smoked meat products (ham, bacon, sausages). We can go to the ironmonger's to buy hammer, pliers, nails and other tools and materials. At the stationer's we buy paper, envelopes, notebooks, pens, pencils, rubber, ruler… Fresh vegetables and all kinds of fruit can be bought at the greengrocer's. The chemist's is a specialized shop where people can buy medicines also cosmetics and toilet supplies. Boutiques sell the latest fashion with a wide choice of dresses, shirts, skirts, blouses, pullovers, jeans. At the florist’s we can buy flowers, wreaths, bouquets, plants. At the tailor’s we have our clothes made to measure. At the jeweller’s there is jewellers sold as well as silver and gold. At the newsagent’s we can buy there newspapers, magazines, crossroads, letters, stamps. At the launderette we bring our clothes, than we insert a coin into the slot, than we wait. There are also many other specialized stores like Sweetshop, Antique shop, Cake shop, Gift shop, Shoe shop, China and glassware shops, Delicatessens, Bookshop, Toy shop…


          8. HODINA


          The Slovak Republic lies in the central Europe. It has a good position there.
          It shares borders with Poland, Ukraine, Austria, Hungary and The Czech Republic. Slovakia is
          an independent state with President as the official head of the republic.

          Slovakia is situated in the mild climate, where four seasons - spring, summer, autumn, and winter alternate. Summers are quite warm and winters are rather cold. It is a hilly country where typical animals like bears and wolves live. People like keeping pets like dogs and cats, many families breed domestic animals like pigs and hens here. We grow potatoes, some vegetable and from fruits apples, pears and plums here. Our national flower is edelweiss.

          Majority of people are Slovaks, then there are minorities like Hungarians,  Russian people, Gypsies. People living here are very hospitable, they are sociable, they like meeting new people, and they are good-hearted. 

          You can see many interesting places in SR. The capital Bratislava lies on a big river Danube. The Old Town is really beautiful. You can visit Bratislava castle there, you can see Michalska brana, there are many palaces like Primacialny palác and others. There is a beautiful church – St. Martin’s cathedral.

          The High Tatras lie in the north of Slovakia. A million of tourists come here every year because they are the smallest alpine mountains in Europe.  There are many hotels, apartments and cottages where tourists can stay. Tourists can walk, hike or climb there. The High Tatras are also a health resort. People suffering from allergy and asthma come to cure here. The most famous sanatoriums are in Vyšné Hágy and Tatranská Polianka.

          High Tatras lie on the border with Poland so many Polish people come here. They are divided into three main parts – Západné, Vysoké and Belianske Tatras. The place was proclaimed the national park in 1949 to protect endangered species of animals like bears, foxes and marmots. A unique animal – a chamois lives here as well. From birds eagle is very nice. Tourists cannot pick up protected flowers like alpine bell, saffron or edelweiss here.


          9. HODINA


          The United Kingdom consists of two large islands (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and 5,000 smaller islands. One of the most famous is the Isle of Man. UK is situated in the north-west of Europe.

           The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, is the official head of state, and does not govern the country.

          United Kingdom together with its former colonies create the Commonwealth of British Nations. In the states of Commonwealth the official head is the Queen although the countries are independent and have got their own governments.

          UK is one of the most populous countries in the world. Its population is about 60 million. Many ethnic minorities live in UK - Pakis, Chinese, Jews, Italian, Spanish.

          English are proud of their country. They are conservative. They are pale and thin, the Scottish have freckles and red hair.

          The capital of England is London, famous by The Tower, The London Eye and many other sights.

          GB is mostly hilly land. Mountains in Scotland and Wales are not very high.  The highest peak is Ben Nevis (1.343 m high).

          Rivers in GB are short. England's longest river is the river Thames which flows through London.

          GB has mild and rainy climate because of the Gulf Stream of Mexico. In winter you can find snow only in Scotland in the mountains.

          Places of interests:
          London - the capital of GB
          Stratford-upon-Avon -  a birthplace of William Shakespeare
          Oxford - seat of the oldest English university – 34 colleges now
          Cambridge - the second oldest English university
          Canterbury - seat of a archbishop - there is magnificent cathedral from 11th century
          Hastings - seaside resort on the east coast
          Stonehenge - a huge circle of standing stones. It was built probably in 2000 BC near Salisbury.
          Edinburgh - it is the capital of Scotland – industrial and cultural center
          Loch Ness - most famous lake - there were some rumors about Loch Ness monster since 15th century



          London is the capital city of the UK. It is situated on the river Thames in southeast England. London is a huge metropolis; its population is 10 million (with suburbs). It has many attractions. We can see them by walk or by various ways of transport. We can either go by bus, especially by one of the famous - red double Decker, or by underground. It is the oldest underground in the world, which has 11 lines. There are also three airports in London, including Heathrow, which is the busiest airport in the world.

          Buckingham Palace has been the Queen's or King's residence in London since the Queen Victoria's reign. Some of its rooms are open to the public during August and September. Outside the place the Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place. It is one of the biggest London's parades. The Houses of Parliament are in gothic style but they were rebuilt in 1840 on the side of the old Palace of Westminster, which was destroyed by fire. There is also the famous clock tower with Big Ben. Whitehall is the street where the government offices are. Horse Guards parade takes place here.

          Downing Street 10 has been the official home of British Prime Minister since the 18th century. No. 11 is the home of the Chancellor of Exchequer.
          Westminster Abbey is in Parliament Square. A church is very old. It is the crowning place of English monarchs and several generations of English Sovereigns are buried here. There are also many memorials to great statesmen, politicians, scientists, and poets.

          St. Paul's Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in the world. It is a masterpiece of the architect Sir Christopher Wren and was built after the Great Fire in 1666. It took 42 years for the completion. Wren is buried here. In 1981 Charles and Diana were married here. The City is the oldest part of London. It was founded by the Romans. At present it is the financial center of the country, the seat of the Bank of England.

          Tower of London was built by William Conqueror. It is the seat of the Royal Mint and the Royal Observatory. Not far away is the Tower Bridge. It can open in the middle and let large ships go through.


          English celebrate many holidays.

          Christmas  -   In the morning the presents are exchanged. Children believe that Santa Claus visits their house in the morning and leaves the presents in the socks or under the Christmas tree. There is a large dinner, with turkey and Christmas pudding.  

          New Years Eve -   The night when people wait until midnight in the streets when fireworks start. They kiss each other and drink champagne. Some people make New Year Resolutions like I will lose weight...

          Independence  Day  -   It is celebrated in July when in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed and the USA were born. The first president became George Washington. People celebrate this holiday by parades, fireworks and barbecues.

          Halloween -  Children dress up as ghosts, witches or vampires. They often wear masks as well. They go from house to house and say, “Trick or treat!” People give them candy, cookies and apples. A favorite custom is to make Jack-o’-Lantern – a pumpkin with cut-out faces. They light a candle inside to scare their friends. Adults may also dress in costume for Halloween parties.

          Easter  - This day marks the beginning of spring. Its symbols are lamb, chicken, eggs and bunnies. On Sunday families organize an egg hunt - children look for eggs which the adults had hidden somewhere in the house or garden.

          Valentines  Day -  The day when people who are in love give each other presents, flowers and cards. People in love spend time together, they have got a romantic dinner in the restaurants…